Edible Data at the third MOME Open Data Storytelling Summer University

MOME Open – the center for extracurricular education, courses and training of Hungary’s leading design institution, the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) – is organizing the Data Storytelling Summer University for the third time, from 31 July to 2 August, at the MOME Campus in Budapest. The international event will again be centered around storytelling with data, connecting data visualization with the world of gastronomy.

The summer university will focus on the environmental concerns affecting the local aquatic ecosystem. Participants will experience how the tools of gastronomy can be used to present data in creative, visual and impactful ways to make information more meaningful, consumable and accessible to a wider audience.

“In the middle of the summer, MOME becomes an important meeting point for academia and companies, as well as for Hungary based and international data professionals. This format has certainly put Hungary on the map of the data visualization industry. One of the important missions of MOME Open is to deepen design thinking in companies. A course where we can bring data storytelling closer to the audience in an international setting and in a more playful way can be a great help in achieving this. I am very pleased that this topic is almost inexhaustible, so we are focusing on it for the third year in a row, finding a new and exciting tool this year: gastronomy.” – said Csaba Gosztonyi, leader of MOME Open.


During the lectures and workshops, mentors will offer an array of engaging workshops, insightful seminars, and hands-on activities. Participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on topics such as data visualization techniques and data-driven narratives (Damla Çay, data visualization researcher, MOME, Hungary), designing for food-data interactions (Maria Karyda, Data Storytelling research hub leader, MOME, Hungary), food as design material (Leena Naqvi, food researcher, Umeå University of Design, Sweden), and storytelling through food (Zsuzsa Matók, food designer, Nedill Design, Hungary). On the final day of the three-day workshop, participants will have the opportunity to prepare their “data dishes” in a joint cooking session with the help of chef Áron Oberritter (SALT restaurant, Hungary).

The training is a collaboration between the Data Storytelling research hub of the MOME Innovation Center and the Design Institute of Umeå University in Sweden. During the “Eating Data” pilot workshop in Umeå, fishermen, chefs, design researchers and policy makers created exciting “data dishes” using food as a medium to present the problems faced by fishermen and chefs. The successful prototyping laid the foundation for the summer university’s programme in Budapest.


” Data is intricate. They are being generated, converted, stored, and collected by, for, and about us. The intricate nature of the data presents a difficulty for those without expertise to effectively interact with it in their everyday activities. By using edible material, data can be represented in a way that is easy for everyone to understand. During this three-day workshop, participants will gain the skills to construct data narratives using scientific data and effectively convey key data insights via the use of food, engaging all the senses in the communication process. – said Maria Karyda, leader of the Data Storytelling research hub at the MOME Innovation Center and Programme leader of the summer university.

The Data Storytelling Summer University is for data lovers, food professionals, food designers, researchers, storytellers, creative thinkers, be they practitioners or students. Whether you’re an experienced data analyst or a passionate foodie, this event offers something for everyone interested in exploring the possibilities of data-driven storytelling.

Registration is now open. More information and application: https://open.mome.hu/summer-university-2024/



Photos: Umeå University

közzétéve: 2024. 06. 18.